
Fedorovich Irina1,Yanova Marina1,Pershakov Anatoliy2


1. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

2. State Agricultural University of Northern Trans-Urals


The purpose of research is to study the influence of various conditions (type of packaging, storage method) on the chemical composition of barley flour during storage. Objectives: to analyze changes in the chemical composition of barley flour samples during storage using various packaging options and storage methods; to determine the presence of a statistically significant difference in terms of chemical composition between options and shelf life. The object of the study is barley flour produced according to TU 10.61.22-005-97623423-2018. Flour samples were stored at the Engineering Center of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University using various types of packaging. Samples of barley flour stored in bulk storage were selected for analysis at the enterprise. The analysis of the chemical composition of barley flour samples was carried out at the Research Testing Center of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, statistical processing of experimental data was carried out using MS Excel programs. There is no separate federal-level regulatory document for barley flour in the field of standards for its production and quality control. During storage, the content of protein and sugar decreased, while the opposite process was observed in the content of starch and fat. There was a clear li-near increase in fat content during bulk storage, which may be due to greater access to atmospheric oxygen, which promotes fat oxidation. Statistically significant differences in fat content were identified between the container storage method for all packaging options and the bulk method, which allows us to indicate its advantage and note its importance for ensuring the purposes of long-term storage of the type of flour raw material in question.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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