
Egushova Elena1,Reznichenko Irina1


1. Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy


Beer drinks are gaining more and more popularity, they are distinguished by original taste and aroma characteristics. Consumer interest in beer drinks with the use of fruit and berry raw materials is noted. The objective of the study is to develop a technology for beer drinks using fruit and berry raw materials and to form their quality characteristics. Tasks: to determine the dosage of juices (cherry, currant, raspberry) in the recipe for a beer drink based on light unfiltered beer Prazhskoye by studying the standardized quality indicators and identifying the best sample by overall characteristics; establishing the shelf life of beer drinks with the addition of juices by analyzing safety indicators in accordance with TR CU 021/2011; ma-king adjustments to the technological process to extend the shelf life of beer drinks. The objects of the study were beer drinks based on light unfiltered beer Prazhskoye with the addition of clarified cherry, currant and raspberry juice, produced according to GOST 32102-2013 Group H54 "Canned goods. Juice products. Concentrated fruit juices. General specifications" in quantities of 10, 20, 30 % of beer wort. In the work, generally accepted methods of analysis of organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological quality indicators were used. The technology of beer drinks was developed, the quantitative dosage of juices was selected: cherry – 20 %, currant – 10, raspberry – 30 % of beer wort. A comprehensive assessment of the quality of the developed drinks was carried out according to organoleptic, physicochemical, microbiological quality indicators. The shelf life of beer drinks was determined – 30 days. The obtained results allow the enterprise to expand the range of beer products and satisfy consumer demand for high-quality domestic drinks with fruit and berry raw materials.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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