
Reznichenko Irina1,Miroshina Tatyana1


1. Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy


The purpose of the study is to identify new technological solutions in the field of flour confectionery development. The growth of a range of specialized products under sanction restrictions is of particular importance. Flour confectionery products, including various types of cookies, wafers, muffins, cakes, occupy a certain place in the diet and are in constant consumer demand, and therefore the development of new compositions and technologies for gluten-free products is a relevant area of research. The work provides systematized data on modern trends in the development of gluten-free flour confectionery products in terms of composition, preparation, properties, quality of finished products and their nutritional value. Functional ingredients such as proteins, dietary fiber, minor compounds used to improve product properties, including sensory profile, are discussed. Research was based on the methods of searching, analyzing and systematizing scientific papers and materials in the electronic databases Google Scholar, PubMed, Scie¬nce Direct, Scopus,, which consider modern trends in the development of technologies in the field of gluten-free flour confectionery products. The search was conducted over the past five years. New approaches to modern technologies for designing gluten-free flour confectionery products; the main types of flour used in production; types of additional raw materials to ensure sensory characteristics and increase the nutritional value of finished products were identified. It has been established that most papers on gluten-free products include sensory analysis. The practical significance of the work lies in helping scientists and manufacturers to determine current trends and promising areas of research in the field of developing specialized products.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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