
Vasil'ev Aleksandr1ORCID,Chumakova Elena1,Farinyuk Yuriy1


1. Tver State Agricultural Academy


The purpose of research is to develop a recipe, technology and evaluate the quality of boiled-smoked sausages made from the meat of wild animals (elk, wild boar). Objectives: to develop a recipe for boiled-smoked sausage from wild animal meat; to evaluate the quality characteristics of the developed sausage products; to calculate the economic efficiency of the production of boiled-smoked sausage. The object of research is three samples of boiled smoked sausage: control – compliance with the standard recipe; sample № 1 – with the addition of 60 % of the main raw material of boar meat; sample № 2 – with the addition of 60 % of the main raw material of elk meat. Research was carried out on the basis of Zavolzhsky Meat Processing Plant LLC, Tver Region and the Department of Agrobiotechnologies, Processing and Seed Production of the Tver State Agricultural Academy. As a result of comprehensive research, the feasibility of producing boiled-smoked sausages from elk and wild boar meat was determined, which is necessary to expand the range of gourmet sausage products. All developed and manufactured samples of sausage products fully complied with the requirements of GOST R 55455-2013 “Cooked-smoked sausages. Technical conditions". The best combination of organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics was found in a sausage sample made from elk meat. The protein content in it was 17.2 %. This same sample of sausage provided the highest indicators of economic efficiency, increasing profits relative to the control version, made according to the classic recipe, by 9.1 % with an increase in profitability by 1.3 %. At the next stages of research, it is planned to expand the number of types of meat and additional raw materials used in the design of sausage product recipes.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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