
Dubrovina Ol'ga1,Zubkova Tatyana1


1. Yelets State University named after I. A. Bunin


The purpose of research is to study the effect of peanut flour on the baking properties of sponge cake. Objectives: to study the chemical composition of peanut flour; to determine the optimal dosage of peanut flour for making biscuits; to investigate the physicochemical and organoleptic quality indicators of the resulting biscuit. The experience is presented in five options. The control variant was a biscuit prepared according to the classic recipe: wheat flour – 100 g, chicken egg – 2 pcs., white sugar – 100 g. Replacing wheat flour with peanut flour was presented in options 2–5 at a rate of 25; 50; 75; 100 % accordingly. When performing the work, we were guided by STB 549-94. To prepare the dough, all ingredients (accor-ding to the options) were weighed using electronic scales (1st accuracy class) GF-200 and whipped in a whipping machine. The resulting dough was placed in silicone molds and baked in a ShHL-065 SPU oven at a temperature of 190 °C for 20 minutes. The chemical composition of wheat and peanut flour, the effect of partial replacement of wheat flour with peanut flour (25, 50, 75 and 100 %) on the physicochemical parameters and organoleptic properties of the resulting products were studied. Peanut flour had a significant amount of protein and low carbohydrate content compared to wheat flour. Sponge cake weight, specific volume and crumb density decreased significantly with increasing peanut flour level. In a biscuit enriched with peanut flour, the acidity of the product increases. The results of a tasting assessment of the consumer properties of the resulting sponge cake made it possible to establish the priority of this product based on peanut-wheat flour with a peanut flour content of 50 %. The data obtained allow us to conclude that it is promising to use peanut flour in the production of sponge cake products in a proportion of up to 50 % of the share of wheat flour; this ratio allows improving the taste properties of the products, balancing them in terms of nutritional and biological value.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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