Flour-grinding and physico-chemical properties of triticale-hemp flour


Kandrakov Roman1,Kiryushin Valentin1,Kusova Irina1


1. Russian Biotechnological University


The purpose of the study is to determine the milling and physicochemical properties of triticale-hemp flour of various ratios. Adding hemp seeds to the grinding triticale-hemp grain mixture has a positive effect and increases the yield of triticale-hemp flour. Compared to the original sample of triticale grain, the yield of triticale-hemp flour with the addition of 10% hemp increased by 5.5 %, which indicates the high economic efficiency of the developed technology. The weighted average fat content in triticale-hemp flour streams in a ratio of 96 : 4 %, taking into account the yield, is 3.05 %, and the protein content is 12.86 %; the weighted average fat content in triticale-hemp flour streams in a ratio of 94 : 6 %, taking into account the yield, is 3.58 %, and the protein content is 13.16 %; the weighted average fat content in triticale-hemp flour streams in a ratio of 92 : 8 %, taking into account the yield, is 4.13 %, and the protein content is 13.63 %; The weighted average fat content in triticale-hemp flour streams in a ratio of 90 : 10 %, taking into account the yield, is 4.85 %, and the protein content is 12.67 %. The weighted average fat content in triticale-hemp bran in different ratios, taking into account the yield, is 3.34 %, and the protein content is 14.44 %. The most optimal ratio of triticale-hemp grinding mixture is 92 : 8, at which the fat content in triticale-hemp flour increases by 329 %, and the protein content by 16.5 % compared to the control triticale flour.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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