
Pityurina Irina1,Evsenina Marina2,Lupova Ekaterina3


1. Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

2. Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostychev

3. FSBEI HE Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P. A. Kostychev


The purpose of the study is to improve the recipe and technology for the production of fish cutlets using amaranth bran. Objectives: development of technology and recipe for fish cutlets using amaranth bran; conducting an examination of the quality of the finished dish with calculation of its nutritional and energy value; determination of economic efficiency. The objects of the study were samples of fish cutlets with partial replacement of wheat bread with amaranth bran, as well as a control sample of fish cutlets made according to a traditional recipe. The introduction of amaranth bran was carried out in the following proportions, % of the weight of wheat bread: 1st version of the experiment – 50; 2nd version of experience – 75; 3rd experience option – 100. Replacing 75 % of wheat bread in fish cutlets with amaranth bran helps maintain the juicy consistency of the product, giving a light, pleasant taste and smell. The option with replacing 75 % of the bread with bran showed an increase in the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and minerals, which demonstrates its readiness for use in catering establishments as a replacement for the control. The nutritional and energy value of this option was calculated. The amount of protein increased by 2.22 %; fat – by 0.44; carbohydrates – by 6.58 %. The amount of minerals increased: K – by 18.02 mg; Ca – by 18.21; Mg – by 28.81; P – by 63.24; Fe – by 0.87 mg. And the content of dietary fiber is higher than the control variant – by 0.93 g. The energy value per 100 g of the experimental sample is 28 kcal higher than the control one. Based on calculations, it was found that the cost of raw materials increased, which led to an increase in the cost of the product. The price of fish cutlets with the addition of amaranth bran was increased, which increased the profit from the sale of one product by 2.05 rubles. The profitability of manufacturing new items increased by 2.8 %, which is considered an indicator of economic efficiency.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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