Objective: This study aims to analyze and describe the Joint collaboration between Local Governments (Regency, City, and Province) in the context of regional development in East Java Indonesia, and evaluate the extent to which the effectiveness of this collaboration is compared to the goals and objectives that have been set.
Theoretical framework: Development is defined as an effort or series of planned growth and change efforts carried out consciously by a nation, state, and government, towards modernity in the context of nation development (Siagian, 2005. Conceptual problems of regional development have been answered through a Collaborative Governance approach which involves the participation of stakeholder interests, which have recently been developed by experts who are members of the new paradigm of public government (Osborne, 2010). According to the view of Ansell & Gash (2008), Collaborative Governance is "a governance arrangement in which one or more public institutions collectively directly involve non-state stakeholders in formal collective decision-making processes. Phillips et al. (2000), suggest defining collaboration broadly to cover a wide range of activities and relationships. Following Bardach (1998) who builds on Braun et al. (1996), collaboration is defined as a joint activity, by two or more organizations, that is intended to create public value by working together rather than separately.
Method: This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. This approach was chosen to present data in a systematic, factual, and accurate manner regarding the facts in the field. The qualitative approach itself emphasizes the human element as a research instrument. By emphasizing the human element as a research instrument, it will make it easier to adapt research to the realities that occur in the field. Sugiyono in Pasolong (2020) says that qualitative methods are research methods used to examine natural object conditions, as opposed to experiments, where researchers are key instruments, data collection techniques are carried out in triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive and the results of qualitative research emphasize meaning rather than generalization. The research location taken was in East Java Province and the research site was the Office of the Regional Planning and Development Agency in East Java Province.
Results and Conclusions: The results of the study show that the Regional Development of East Java Province is basically to improve people's welfare based on social justice and is carried out sustainably. Development in an integrated and sustainable manner is oriented toward improving people's welfare. But until now, disparity and poverty are still problems in regional development. Sustainable inclusive infrastructure and economy are a priority for local government policies to reduce regional and socio-economic disparities by increasing inter-regional connectivity.
Implications of the research: This study presents policy implications that can be used by local, provincial, and national governments to encourage successful collaboration between regions. The consequences of this strategy could help develop stronger methods for enhancing regional cooperation.
Originality/value: This research presents an analysis of the paradigm shift from traditional bureaucracy to post-bureaucracy and how this change affects inter-regional cooperation. The study of bureaucratic paradigm changes in the context of inter-regional cooperation is a new contribution because it can provide a deeper understanding of the evolution of government governance in Indonesia.
South Florida Publishing LLC
Law,Development,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
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