Poetra Rizal Akbar Maya,Nurjaya I Nyoman
Objective: This study aims to determine and analyze regional tourism arrangements in order to preserve the local wisdom of indigenous peoples in Indonesia.
Theoretical Framework: This study discusses regional tourism juxtaposed with the preservation of local wisdom by basing on several theoretical and conceptual frameworks such as regulatory review, regional tourism, local wisdom, and indigenous peoples. Some of these reviews are used to focus research to use the same concept so that there is no expansion of meaning.
Methodology: This study uses a type of normative legal research with a statutory approach method (statute approach). Data collection in this study was carried out by means of literature studies, and the data analysis techniques used were critical analysis techniques.
Findings: Regulations on tourism in several regions, such as in Bali, Bitung and Bunaken, Toba, Labuan Bajo, Raja Ampat, Tengger, and Baduy in their implementation still do not fully pay attention to and involve the values of local wisdom of local indigenous peoples.
Research, Practical & Social Implications: This study analyzes regulations on regional tourism which are then analyzed using the Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) method to identify and assess a regulation or legislation by taking into account the impact analysis (both positively and negatively) and benefits or costs.
Originality / value: The value of this research is very important to build national legal products and regional legal products for national tourism development that provide protection to the environment and preservation of national culture, especially cultural traditions and wisdom of customary law communities in tourism destination areas, in addition to encouraging economic growth in an equitable manner for local communities.
South Florida Publishing LLC