Purpose: Good management of regional marine protected areas requires direct government such as making policies, conducting supervision, and making plans and strategies. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the role of the government on the sustainability of regional marine protected area management of Gili Ketapang Island.
Theoreticsl Reference: PERMEN-KP Number 31 of 2020 and Law Number 1 of 2014 are used to understanding about conservative area, especialy for Marine Protected Area. RAPFISH by Kavanagh & Pitcher (2004) is used to analized the sustainbility of Marine Protected Area in Gili Ketapang Island.
Method: This research uses primary data with the sample being stakeholders and communities around the Gili Ketapang conservation area using purposive sampling technique. Plans and strategies were analyzed using Analysis Hierarchy Process and sustainability analysis with Multidimensional Scaling using RAPFISH technique.
Result dan Conclusion: The results obtained are the priorities of the government as the maker of plans and strategies, namely conducting socialization and providing alternative building materials that do not damage the environment. In addition, the social dimension requires special attention for the sustainability of the Gili Ketapang conservation area.
Originality/Value: This research produces aspects that need to be improved in order to increase the sustainability of the marine protected area on Gili Ketapang, which incidentally is a newly designated conservation area that has not been researched before.
South Florida Publishing LLC