Objective: Provides a framework for investigating potential green restorative justice initiatives in Indonesia to address environmental legislation. Time, money, and equity are all preserved in green restorative justice eco-friendly restitution For long-term ecological regulation.
Method: This study employs a sociolegal strategy incorporating a green restorative justice framework to address environmental legal issues. After that, we did some conceptual research.
Results: Explores the possibility of green restorative justice as an additional approach to resolving environmental issues. There are time and money savings with the green restorative justice method. Another discovery is that when other stakeholders, including the government and the media, oversee these cases, implementing ecosystem greening for guilty corporations may be speedier and more beneficial for society.
Conclusion: Explores the possibility of green restorative justice as an additional approach to resolving environmental issues. More expedited, less expensive, and more equitable is the green restorative justice approach. Businesses that are to blame may have ecosystem greening implemented more quickly and to society's benefit with the help of this study to create environmentally friendly enforcement that lasts.
South Florida Publishing LLC
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