The Effectiveness of Integrated Vocational Guidance Programs in Improving Student Readiness


Mutaqin ,Soenarto


Originality: The integrated vocational guidance program is the result of the development of a program directed at providing services for Vocational High School (SMK) students to assist in preparing themselves to enter the world of work effectively.   Aims: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of integrated vocational guidance programs in increasing students' readiness to enter the world of work.   This type of research is quasi-experimental research, with a pretest and posttest group design approach. The subjects of the study were Class XI and XII students at SMKN 2 Yogyakarta.   Method: Data collection using questionnaire techniques in the form of test sheets (pre-test and post-test) and observation sheets. Data analysis uses a qualitative descriptive approach, and difference tests use paired t-tests.   Results: The results of the study concluded that there was an increase in students' readiness to enter the world of work, from before and after the implementation of the integrated vocational guidance program in SMK. By obtaining a significant difference between before and after, it means that the integrated vocational guidance program applied in SMK is effective in the good category and very good in increasing students' readiness to enter the world of work, both in terms of attitudes, knowledge and skills aspects. 


South Florida Publishing LLC


Law,Development,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law

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