Legal Protection Against Acts of Violence: Evidence from Indonesian Migrant Workers


Nuraeny HennyORCID


Objective: Everyone has the right to work and look for work according to their wishes. In reality, many workers, especially Indonesian migrant workers (abbreviated as PMI), receive deplorable treatment, especially migrant workers who work as household assistants. This research aims to analyze the legal protection of Indonesian migrant workers against the acts of violence they experience.   Method: The method used in this research is juridical-normative with data collection techniques through library research, while the data analysis technique is carried out in a qualitative descriptive juridical manner.   Conclusion: This research concludes that to improve governance and the process of overseas labor migration, the government has issued Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers as a refinement of Law Number 39 of 2004 concerning the Placement and Protection of Workers Indonesians Abroad. This law mandates that the implementer of the placement of Migrant Workers. Indonesia abroad consists of the government and the private sector. The protection provided by the government for migrant workers who experience violence can be carried out during pre-placement, placement, and post-placement, as well as the government's handling of migrant workers which must be carried out for Indonesian Migrant Workers both procedurally and non-procedurally because the state must fulfill the legal protection rights of every citizen.


South Florida Publishing LLC


Law,Development,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law

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