Analysis of Railway Traffic Capacity in Bandung - Cicalengka


Raharjanto Yunanda


Theoretical Framework: Constructing a double track and revitalizing or upgrading stations on the Kiaracondong-Cicalengka segment, the Bandung-Cicalengka route has changed routes and stations. Purposes: The research objective, which is the focus of this study, is the analysis of cross capacity on the Bandung - Cicalengka railway line, the Kiaracondong - Cicalengka segment.   Method: The materials in this research are secondary data and primary data. Secondary data is done by taking inventory of existing data at PT. Kereta Api (Persero) is the operator, and the government, the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation, is the regulator. Primary data was collected by conducting direct surveys at the research location. Results: The study results show that, theoretically, the calculation of railway traffic capacity for each road plot on the Bandung - Cicalengka route has yet to experience saturation and can be added to train trips as needed.


South Florida Publishing LLC


Law,Development,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law

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