The Implementation of Medical Informed Consent In Sleman Regency


Kristiana Dita


Background: Yogyakarta has a high number of morbidity rate which equal high possibility of using medical services. In therapeutic transaction arise obligation between patient, health personnel and health institution. Those obligation become legal responsibilities that lies in informed consent. Those responsibilities are reflected in the implementation of the hospital's obligations to fulfil patient rights carried out by doctors, nurses, midwives, and other health workers based on their authority and competence in accordance with professional ethics, as well as standard operating procedures that apply in the hospital by Minister of Health Regulation number 290 of 2008.   Purpose: This research to understand the legal analysis of informed consent in health services as well as to to evaluate and enhance the implementation of medical informed consent in Sleman Regency, especially in the Ananda Maternity Clinic.   Methods: The type of this research is a normative-empirical legal research method which in this case combines elements of normative law.   Results and conclusion: This normative-empirical research shows that the informed consent has to be imply.   Implications of research: It is expressly regulated that the granting of approval for medical action does not eliminate legal liability in the event that it is proven that there is negligence in carrying out medical actions that resulting harm for the patient.   Originality/value: the work produced by the person concerned. Self-made, distinctive and personal and the work created is self-produced without quoting, copying, or plagiarism of other people's work.


South Florida Publishing LLC

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