Physical Environment Characteristics With The Presebce Of Aedes Larvae At The Ummul Mukminin Islamic Boarding School Makassar, Indonesia


Ibrahim ErniwatiORCID,Ihsary Dewi FatimahORCID,Ane Ruslan LaORCID,Mallongid AnwarORCID,Roreng Raflesia YuannisaORCID


Objective:  The research aimed to know characteristics of the physical environment with the presence of Aedes larvae at the Ummul Mukminin Islamic Boarding School in Makassar City.   Methods: The type of research used is descriptive, the sample number is 33 containers with exhaustive sampling as a sampling technique. The research instrument used was an observation sheet with univariate analysis using SPSS and Excel program. The study was conducted in June 2022 at the Ummul Mukminin Islamic Boarding School.   Results: A total of 33 containers were found at the study site, 31 (93.9%) containers were not found to have larvae (negative) and 2 (6.1%) containers were positive for Aedes larvae. Plastic container base material with 100% presentation. There are 24 (72.7%) containers were water reservoir (TPA) and 9 (27,3%) containers were non-water reservoir, 27 (81,8%) containers were located indoor and 6 (18,2%) containers were located outdoor.   Conclusions: The larva-free dormitory program by the school health post (poskestren) should be continued and if possible the frequency of activities is increased, as well as toilets that are rarely used and in dark conditions are still considered because they have the potential to be Aedes larva breeding place.   Research Implications: Such findings are expected to be a source of information for the community, especially the teachers and students of the Ummul Mukminin Islamic Boarding School regarding the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of the mosquito breeding environment, especially regarding the presence of Aedes larvae and efforts to prevent dengue incidents. And can be an information material for the Makassar City Health Office, especially in overcoming dengue problems and can be a source of reference and comparison for further research.   Originality / value: This study discusses some characteristics of water reservoirs (containers) that have the potential to become breeding sites for Aedes larvae, as one of the references in efforts to eradicate Aedes mosquito nests as vectors for dengue fever transmission.


South Florida Publishing LLC

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