Legal Protection for Victims of Human Trafficking Crimes


Hufron ,Syofyan Hadi


Purpose: Human trafficking is a transnational crime imposed on human beings, and for this reason, Indonesia has prohibited it and enforced criminal sanctions on human trafficking offenders. The objective of this research is to elaborate and analyze legal protection for human trafficking victims that is regulated in laws and regulations, including its problems.   Theoretical reference: This legal research applies legal and regulatory approaches and a conceptual approach, and its legal material is analyzed through a normative method.   Method: The legal material used is primary legal material in the form of laws and regulations, such as Human Trafficking Eradication Law, Witness and Victim Protection Law, Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Law, and other laws as well as secondary material in the form of textual books, journal, reports, and others. The primary legal material was collected using the inventory and categorization methods.   Results and Conclusion: The findings of this research show that Indonesia has regulated legal protection for human trafficking victims, be it preventive or repressive. The ratification of various laws and regulations, the imposition of sanctions, and the assignment to the government to prevent human trafficking were implemented as preventive legal protection. Meanwhile, repressive legal protection in the form of protection from the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK), restitution and rehabilitation, civil lawsuit filing, and repatriation by the state.   Implications of research: The major and fundamental problem in providing legal protection for human trafficking victims is its regulation, in which a contradiction occurs between the Human Trafficking Eradication Law and the Witness and Victim Protection Law.   Originality/value: The novelty of this research study is to provide better idea and understanding regarding regulatory alignment and synchronization are required so that human trafficking victims receive legal protection with legal certainty and justice.


South Florida Publishing LLC


Law,Development,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law

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