Purpose: This study investigates the intricate relationships among employee attitude, leadership, and quality improvement within organizational contexts. Leveraging a robust analytical framework, the research examines the mediating effect of leadership between employee attitudes and quality improvement.
Theoretical reference: The resource-based view serves as a managerial framework employed to identify the strategic resources that a company can leverage to attain a lasting competitive advantage.
Methods: Applying a cross-sectional survey methodology, structured questionnaires were distributed to employees within the private sector of Saudi Arabia. The data analysis was conducted utilizing the PLS-based structural equation modeling method.
Results and conclusion: The findings affirm the hypothesis that positive employee attitudes significantly shape effective leadership. Moreover, the study illuminates the influential role of employee attitudes in steering quality improvement initiatives. The interconnectedness of these constructs underscores the importance of cultivating a positive workplace culture to foster both effective leadership and continuous quality enhancement.
Implications of research: This study contributes valuable insights to the understanding of organizational dynamics, emphasizing the pivotal role of positive employee attitudes in shaping effective leadership and driving quality improvement efforts. Practical implications extend to human resource management, leadership development, and organizational policy formulation.
Originality/value: The study offers actionable insights for creating a workplace environment conducive to organizational excellence.
South Florida Publishing LLC
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