The purpose of this study is to examine the mediation effects of knowledge hiding motivations(personal ownership, fear of loss, concern for negative evaluation, and negative relation) between the knowledge requester’s psychological entitlement and knowledge hiding. Also, the purpose of this study is to examine the moderated mediation effect of supervisor monitoring on the mediating effects of knowledge hiding motivations. For the study, the survey was conducted on 400 employees working at various companies in Korea. According to the data analysis, knowledge hiding motivations(personal ownership, fear of loss, and concern for negative evaluation) had mediating effects between the knowledge requester’s psychological entitlement and knowledge hiding. But, negative relation motivation had no significant mediating effect. The supervisor monitoring moderated the mediating effects of knowledge hiding motivations(personal ownership, fear of loss motivation) between the knowledge requester’s psychological entitlement and knowledge hiding. But, concern for negative evaluation motivation and negative relation motivation had no significant moderated mediation effects. This study is expected to provide important implications for practitioners about the mediating effects of knowledge hiding motivation and the moderated mediating effects of supervisor monitoring.
Korean Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology