Theory of sustainable movement of disk harrow
Container-title:Mehanization and electrification of agricultural
Adamchuk V. V.ORCID, Bulgakov V. M.ORCID, Nadykto V. T.ORCID, Kuvachov V. P.ORCID, Ihnatiev Ye. І.ORCID, Olt JuriORCID
Purpose. Establishment of theoretical regularities that make it possible to make such a choice of parameter values for a trailed disc harrow, which provides it with the desired directional stability, which, in turn, ensures a high-quality performance of the technological process for the disc-type machine-tractor unit.
Methods. The methods of the theory of agricultural machines were used for the research, analytical mechanics, higher mathematics, and methods of numerical calculations using a PC.
Results. According to the results of the study, it has been established that sufficient directional stability of a trailed disc harrow can be ensured with the correct choice of its width of capture, distance from the point of attachment to the center of resistance and the speed of the working movement. The optimal combination of these parameters of the disc harrow determines the maximum performance of the harrow machine-tractor unit with a satisfactory stability of its movement in the horizontal plane, which is provided after their determination using the obtained new analytical dependencies.
Soil disking is one of the methods of soil cultivation, which ensures its effective crushing, loosening, partial mixing and wrapping. Despite numerous researches of the disc harrow operation process, insufficient attention is still paid to the research of the motion stability of harrow machine-tractor units, especially trailed ones.
1. Satisfactory directional stability of the trailed disc harrow can be ensured with the correct choice of its working width, distance from the point of hitch to the center of resistance and the speed of the working movement.
2. The optimal combination of the design parameters of the disc harrow and the speed of the harrow machine-tractor unit, which determines its maximum productivity with satisfactory stability of the disc harrow movement in the horizontal plane, is ensured when they are determined using the new analytical dependencies.
3. The obtained theoretically mathematical dependencies can be used to solve a similar problem with respect to any other symmetric machine-tractor unit with a trailed technological part.
Keywords: harrow, tillage, trailed machine-tractor unit, motion stability, differential equations.
National Scientific Center - Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification
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