Method of calculation specific electrical conductivity of soil environment by working electrodes of information and technical system in local operational monitoring of agro-biological state of agricultural lands


O. Brovarets,ORCID


Purpose. Develop a methodology for calculating the specific electrical conductivity of the soil environment with working electrodes to ensure the required quality of implementation of the main technological processes in plant cultivation thanks to integrated information and technical systems for operational monitoring of the agro-biological state of agricultural lands. Methods. Theoretical scientific method with the use of the laws of theoretical mechanics and scientific laws of electro-dynamic measurement for the construction of a method for calculating the specific conductivity of the soil environment by working electrodes of the information and technical system local operational monitoring the agro-biological state of agricultural lands. Results. The generalized formula for calculating the specific electrical conductivity of the soil environment by working electrodes information and technical system of local operational monitoring of agro-biological state of agricultural lands was obtained. Conclusions. The proposed method for calculating the specific electrical conductivity of the agro-biological ground environment by the stationary contact method of the working electrodes of the information and technical system local operational monitoring will allow obtaining reliable data on the state of the soil environment by reducing the error in determining the value of the electrical conductive properties soil, providing individual stabilization of the working electrodes and the mechanism of lifting / lowering the workers electrodes, copying roughness inequalities on the environment, reduction the intensity destruction of the soil structure, self-cleaning working contact electrode and ensuring the stability of the electrical contact electrode with the soil due to the improvement of the design of the device with the use of the proposed technical solutions. The result of using the device for determining the electrically conductive properties soil environment construction of Alexander Brovaryts is an increase in profits of 20–30% by optimizing the seeding rate of the process material, taking into account the agro-biological state of agricultural lands. Keywords: information and technical system, local operational monitoring, soil, samples, variability, size, research.


National Scientific Center - Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification


General Medicine

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