Allelopathy refers to the interaction of plants by the release of chemicals in the environment, interfering positively or negatively and may be present in the seeds of certain species. Thus, the current work sought to analyze the allelopathic potential of the seeds of Ricinus communis L. (castor bean), popularly known for its toxic properties and the oil extracted for industrial use, in addition, morphometry was performed and it was verified whether the storage of these seeds at different temperatures had an influence on the results obtained. The research was conducted in the Biology laboratory of the University Cruzeiro do Sul, São Miguel campus with the preparation of the aqueous extract of castor oil plant seeds, diluted in concentrations of 0% (control), 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%, applied in test seeds (Lactuca sativa L. - lettuce and Solanum lycopersicum L. - tomato), observing the possible allopathic effects during germination on the germination variables and the germination speed index. The seeds of R. communis from both storage periods did not present any variation in their length or width. In the germination tests, the presence of allelopathic substances was proven, capable of inhibiting and reducing the germination of lettuce and tomato seeds. The storage temperature of the specimen under study did not influence the effects achieved in the tests. The seeds of R. communis of both storages, did not present any variation in their length or width. In the germination tests, the presence of allelopathic substances, capable of inhibiting and reducing the germination of lettuce and tomato seeds, was proven. Andthe storage temperature of the specimen under study did not influence the effects obtained in the tests.
Psicologia e Saude em Debate