
Brito Andressa Ferreira de,Viana Camilla Lohanny Azevedo,Silva Letícia Silva da,Diniz Suzy Maria de Sousa,Façanha Luana Oliveira,Silva Laianny luize Lima e,Brito Josyana Castro,Alves Jandira Silva Santos


Introduction: Health professionals as nurses by virtue of their aesthetic behavior become valuable people because, in addition to "traditional" interventions, they contribute to the general aesthetic health process with new paradigms and provide patients with more autonomy and expansion. Objective: To evidence the advances and perceptions about the performance of nurses in the performance of advanced aesthetic procedures. Methodology: Scoping Review, based on the procedures recommended by the Joanna Briggs Institute. The guiding question was established: "What paths can nursing take to rise in the field of aesthetics?" Searches were conducted in four national and international databases on works published up to December 2022. Of the 138 studies found, 20 were selected for full reading, resulting in a final sample of 08 studies analyzed. Results: Ten studies that met the eligibility criteria were selected for this review. The articles showed that nursing also has the capacity to expand its field of action to the aesthetic area and seeks recognition in this niche in its space. In addition, the prospects for acting in the field of aesthetics have shown positive trends for aesthete nurses to develop their own networks of professionals, while these professionals have gained more autonomy to develop care practices. The 08 publications analyzed were published from 2018 to 2022, nationally and internationally with experimental study designs. Conclusion: It is concluded that for nurses the insertion in the field of aesthetics is an opportunity for financial and intellectual complementarity, technical improvement and job satisfaction.


Psicologia e Saude em Debate

Reference16 articles.

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5. CONSELHO FEDERAL DE ENFERMAGEM. Resolução Cofen nº 529/2016. Normatiza a atuação do Enfermeiro na área de Estética








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