Nascimento Jacimara Barbosa do,Reis Ernane Júnior da Silva,Junior Gilmar Antoniassi
Primary Health Care/Family Health Strategy is the gateway to the Unified Health System (SUS). Its integration can be considered one of the great challenges of SUS in Brazil, in all spheres of management. Objective: The reflections developed in this article aim to describe how health surveillance is integrated with the Family Health Strategy teams to optimize the planning and management actions of the practice of care in health promotion, in the municipality of Presidente Figueiredo, state of Amazon. Methodology: As a method, bibliographic, descriptive and explanatory research was used, in a qualitative and quantitative approach. For data collection, 1 (one) questionnaire model was created by the researcher for those involved in the research. Results: The results show that the health surveillance teams and the family health strategy, working together, provide improvements in planned and articulated actions, thus meeting the needs of the municipality, access to health, integrality and interdisciplinarity for the health of the population. Conclusion: It is concluded that the team's performance in a multiprofessional and interdisciplinary way provides the improvement of work processes, which should result in the management of the user's comprehensive care.
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