Nunes Larissa de Fátima,Castro Marcelo Matta de
This work aims to adolescence self-mutilating has become a relevant topic. Psychoanalysis contributes significantly to studies about adolescents, studying behavior mechanisms in teens and pointing out solutions to the problem. In this way, since psychoanalysis emerged, this topic has been studied, and has been deepen studied nowadays. Therefore, this article proposes a study about the possible illnesses or unconscious mechanisms, which may be behind adolescents self-harm behaviors, and that can point out warning signs. This work presents adolescence and its transformations and makes a relationship between self-mutilation and hysteria, social contexts such as media, affective relationships and experienced traumas. It al so presents psychoanalytic interpretations on the subject. It is worth mentioning that psychoanalysis, in addition to investigating unconscious issues, also proposes an effective treatment by techniques created since the creation of this approach, improving itself with new contributions and presents how the various psychoanalytic authors contribute to the theme in question.
Psicologia e Saude em Debate
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