
Claro Leila Mara PiasentinORCID,Medeiros Bárbara Veiga dos Santos,Vargas Fernanda deORCID,Gauer Gabriel José ChittóORCID,Costa SolORCID,Vasconcellos Silvio José Lemos


The study has investigated the adequacy of PCL: YV for the evaluation of teenagers from public schools that have not been in conflict with law. Also, it aimed to identify social demographic profile and, using psychological evaluation, investigated the correlation among the constructs of scales EMRI and PCL: YV as well as the association between empathy and traces of psychopathy. The research checked if scale PCL: YV was sensitive to antisocial characteristics in a communitarian sample of adolescents in which the participants didn’t show mental disorders associated to psychopathy. The sample was compound by 40 students of the male gender from three schools of the state net of a municipality in Rio Grande do Sul, their ages between twelve and seventeen years old. The research consisted of a transversal study, descriptive and correlational that aimed to explore relationships that might exist among the variables of the used scales. The sample measured low score on the inventory PCL: YV for characteristics of traces of psychopathy not stating diagnosis in adulthood, as well as high score for empathy levels. The results of the study revealed that the smaller the traces of psychopathy in adolescence, the biggest the levels of empathy.


Psicologia e Saude em Debate

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