Introduction: Psychological Assessment (PA) is a structured process of investigation of psychological phenomena with the objective of basing decision-making and referrals. The AP results in a certificate and/or psychological report. Both activities, as well as the entire exercise of the profession, must comply with ethical, technical and scientific criteria, and be in line with the Psychologist's Code of Professional Ethics and current resolutions, however, they are the topics that most appear in complaints received in the CRPs and CFP. Objective: To investigate ethical faults arising from psychological assessments and reports in the literature. Method: This is a qualitative, descriptive and narrative literature review research. Results: During the research, the following infractions were observed: failure to comply with the report's structure, not integrating information, not responding to the requester's demand, moral and political prejudices, exclusion of important people from the process, partiality, use of tests unfavorable, the lack of technical capacity of the professional, not following the resolutions and the Code of Ethics, among others. Conclusions: Given this reality, it is worth reflecting on the number of complaints and their possible triggers. The professionals' lack of updating and the difficulty of professors and students in relation to the profession's themes can be pointed out. In terms of scientific production, it was found that there are many articles focused on psychological assessment and psychological tests, but there are few productions that talk about ethical faults in reports arising from PA. It can still be noted that the authors have difficulty distinguishing between ethical, administrative and functional faults. In relation to the complaints made by the population, they are usually motivated by the feeling of prejudice with the result of the PA. Of the complaints that reach the class council, almost half are filed and those that turn into disciplinary proceedings are mostly filed or resulted in a warning.
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