The paradigm of psychosocial care in mental health is guided by the assistance provided in the territory to facilitate the identification and meeting of people's needs, as well as favoring psychosocial reintegration. The objective was to describe the competencies desired by mental health professionals for person-centered psychosocial care. This is an intervention research with a qualitative approach carried out with 30 professionals from two Psychosocial Care Centers in the central region of Brazil from October to December 2022. Four group meetings were held in the format of experiential workshops recorded in audio format. For data collection, the “My superpower” technique was used, in which professionals expressed which skills they would like to have in their care practice. The data was subjected to thematic content analysis. The skills desired by professionals were: usable and useful intelligence, time control, reading minds, reading thoughts, erasing minds, healing, eliminating pain, adjusting family relationships, forgetting the past, clearing hurts, welcoming with quality and in a short time develop coping strategies and instill hope. Some competencies are linked to the psychosocial and person-centered care model, while others are associated with the biomedical model based on curative practices.
Psicologia e Saude em Debate
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