The loss of a family member due to Covid-19 in adolescence raises several questions, including, what are the repercussions of a loss at this important stage of development and what are the feelings experienced by this age group? This work aimed to understand the coping strategies of adolescents who lost a family member due to COVID-19, understand their experiences and/or feelings regarding the loss and demonstrate how the family views the adolescent's ways of coping from their own perception. adolescent. To this end, a mixed research method was used, of an investigative type, under a sequential constructivist design. A semi-structured interview and the Problem Coping Scale (EMEP) instrument were applied to 15 adolescents enrolled in a school in a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul and who lost a family member to COVID-19. It can be seen that participants used more problem-focused coping strategies than emotion-focused strategies. The experiences and feelings included sadness, a feeling of emptiness, lack and withdrawal, however in relation to how the adolescent perceives the family in this process, the participants reported having a present and welcoming family, which may indicate a positive family relationship.
Psicologia e Saude em Debate
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