1. Jesse Ventura,I Ain't Got Time to Bleed: Reworking the Body Politic from the Bottom Up(New York: Villard, 1999), 78.
2. The Frontier Thesis and American Foreign Policy
3. Not all Filipino nurses are women. However, the vast majority of them are. I agree with historian Barbara Melosh who, in her important work on the history of American nursing, wrote that “because most nurses have been women…I use ‘nurse’ as a feminine generic…As a feminist I eschew such usage in everyday life. But as a feminist historian I have chosen these markers to emphasize the sex-segregation of the work force in medicine and nursing and to underscore my arguments about the relationship of gender and work.” Barbara Melosh,“The Physician's Hand”: Work Culture and Conflict in American Nursing(Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1982), 12.