1. Alves, Pana, Antonio Millaruelo and Ana del Río. (2018). “The increase in TARGET balances in the euro area since 2015”, EconomicBulletin - Banco de España, 4/2018, Analytical Articles. https://repositorio.bde.es/handle/123456789/899434 Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (2024).35 Other flows are all changes in the value of an asset or liability that are not the result of transactions or revaluations. This variation isdue to exceptional and unforeseen events that are not economic in nature or to changes in classification or structure. For example,debt forgiveness, unilateral loan write-offs and changes in financial assets owing to changes in agents’ economy of residence.36 Gross external debt comprises all of a country’s liabilities to the rest of the world that entail a future payment obligation. It thereforeexcludes equities (shares and other equity and investment fund shares or units), financial derivatives and gold bullion. The Bancode España’s liabilities to the Eurosystem are included in this category, even though they have no explicit maturity.37 See footnote 33.BANCO DE ESPAÑA 13 ECONOMIC BULLETIN 2024/Q3, 02 THE BALANCE OF PAYMENTS AND INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION OF SPAIN IN 2023# Badás Arangüena, Roberto. (2021). “Foreign direct investment in Spain: which are the immediate and which are the ultimateinvesting countries?”. Statistical notes, 15, Banco de España. https://www.bde.es/wbe/en/publicaciones/informacion-estadistica/notas-estadisticas/inversion-exterior-directa-espana-cuales-son-paises-inversores-inmediatos-y-cuales-ultimos.html
2. Banco de España. (2015). “Los activos del Banco de España frente al Eurosistema y el tratamiento de los billetes en euros en laBalanza de Pagos y la Posición de Inversión Internacional”. Nota Metodológica, September. https://www.bde.es/webbe/es/estadisticas/compartido/docs/bpabe.pdf
3. Banco de España. (2022). “Next Generation EU (NGEU) funds: how they are recorded in the balance of payments and internationalinvestment position”. Methodological Note, March. https://www.bde.es/webbe/en/estadisticas/compartido/docs/notaNGEU_en.pdf
4. Banco de España. (2023). “The Balance of Payments and the International Investment Position”. Methodological Note, November.https://www.bde.es/webbe/en/estadisticas/compartido/docs/notametBpPii_en.pdf
5. Banco de España. (2024a). Annual Accounts of the Banco de España 2023. https://repositorio.bde.es/handle/123456789/36637