Selection of composite material in thin-walled structures operating at elevated temperatures


Abdrakhmanov F. K.1,Volosov D. R.2,Karpuzikov S. A.2,Koytov S. A.1,Melnikov V. N.1,Salimov V. E.2


1. Joint stock company Novator Design Bureau

2. Joint stock company SKB ATIC Aviation Technologies and Composites


At present, of special interest are polymer composite materials reinforced with carbon fibers - carbon fiber-reinforced plastic, which have increased specific strength, rigidity, wear resistance, etc. The purpose of this research is to study the physical and mechanical properties of composite materials reinforced with carbon and aramid fibers. According to the obtained temperature dependences of σ and E, we have selected the optimal variant of the polymer composite material on the basis of a nano-modified epoxy binder reinforced with carbon fibers


Almaz-Antei Air and Space Defence Corporation

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1. Effectiveness of intumescent fire retardant coatings in thermal protection systems;Journal of «Almaz – Antey» Air and Space Defence Corporation;2021-01-20







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