1. Federal Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Volgograd State University”
2. Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow Technological University”
The research shows that the real aerial weapon, i.e. hypersonic missile warhead and the target simulator of the MALD type, in bistatic radar result in significantly different topological scattering patterns when taking into account the radiation polarization. Radiation with p -polarization allows for a more expressive topological scattering pattern than in the case of s -polarization, and the θ angle change of the place gives a brighter relief pattern with alternating maxima and deep minima, which leads to an assumption about a high resolving power when identifying the objects by means of the gradient method. A special difference between the two objects, i.e. the target simulator and the missile warhead, can be observed in the case of s -polarization: the patterns differ significantly in topology, the missile maxima regions occupy a larger area, while the minima are much deeper
Almaz-Antei Air and Space Defence Corporation
Reference17 articles.
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