Investigation of Science Teachers’ Perceptions of Organizing Out-of-School Learning and Self-Efficacy Beliefs regarding Out-of-School Learning Environments






The purpose of the current study is to investigate science teachers’ perceptions of organizing out-of-school learning and their self-efficacy beliefs regarding out-of-school learning environments in relation to some variables and to determine whether there is a relationship between them. The study was carried out with the participation of 213 science teachers selected by using the random sampling method from among the science teachers working in the city of Denizli in the spring term of the 2022-2023 school year. The study was designed as a descriptive study in the survey model. As data collection tools, a personal information form, the “Organizing Out-of-School Learning Scale” and the “Teacher Self-Efficacy Beliefs Scale for Out-of-School Learning Activities” were employed. According to the research findings, the science teachers’ perceptions of organizing out-of-school learning are high for all the sub-dimensions and the whole scale. The teachers’ perceptions of organizing out-of-school learning were found to not vary significantly depending on the variables of gender, professional experience and administrative attitude towards using out-of-school learning environments for instructional purposes. However, their perceptions were found to vary significantly depending on the variables of education level, experience with using out-of-school learning environments and receiving training about the use of out-of-school learning environments. The teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs regarding out-of-school learning activities were found to be high for the sub-dimensions of self-efficacy in preparation, self-efficacy in supporting learning and the whole scale. The teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs concerning out-of-school learning activities were found to not vary significantly depending on the variables of professional experience, receiving training on the use of out-of-school learning environments and administrative attitude towards using out-of-school learning environments for instructional purposes. On the other hand, the self-efficacy beliefs were found to vary significantly depending on the variables of gender, educational level and the experience with using out-of-school learning environments. A positive, weak and significant correlation was found between the teachers’ perceptions and self-efficacy beliefs (p


Journal of Education and New Approaches


General Medicine

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