1. Stephen F. David, "Learning to Read in High School," School Management, 16 (August 1972), pp. 24-25.
2. Paul Rosewell, "We All Teach Reading," Clearing House, 48 (Dec. 1973), p. 216. Rosewell's italics.
3. Margaret Jones and Edna C. Pikulski, "Cloze for the Classroom." Journal of Reading, 17 (1974), pp. 432-38.
4. For additional material on the cloze procedure see John Bormuth, "The Cloze Readability Procedure," Elementary English, 65 (1968), pp. 429-35; Joseph W. Culhane, "Cloze Procedures and Comprehension," Reading Teacher, 23 (1970), pp. 410-13; Edgar Dale and Jeanne S. Chall, "A Formula for Predicting Readability," Educational Research Bulletin, 27 (January 21, 1948), pp. 37-54; and J. Wesley Schneyer, "Use of the Cloze Procedure for Improving Reading Comprehension," Reading Teacher, 19 (1965), pp. 174-79.
5. For more information on such tests see Margaret LaPray and Ramon Ross, "The Graded Word List: Quick Gauge of Reading Ability," Journal of Reading, 12 (1969), pp. 305-07.