1. Americans for the Arts. 2006. http://www.americansforthearts.org.
2. Beyer, L. E. 2000. The arts, popular culture and social change. New York: Peter Lang.
3. Bourdieu, P. 1993. Outline of a sociological theory of art perception. In The field of cultural production: Essays on art and literature, 5-14. Ed. R. Johnson. New York: Columbia University Press, 1968/1993. Originally published as Éléments d'une théorie sociologique de la perception artistique. Revue internationale des sciences socials(20): 4, 1968.
4. California Alliance for Arts Education. 2007. http://www.artsed411.org
5. Florida, R. 2002. The rise of the creative class. New York: Basic Books.