1. Allingham, J. W. 1972. Geologic map of the Harrodsburg Quadrangle, Mercer and Woodford counties, Kentucky. U.S. Geological Survey geologic quadrangle map GQ-1020.
2. Anderson, W. H. 1994. Rocks and minerals of Kentucky. Kentucky Geological Survey special publication 20.
3. Anderson, W. H., D. H. Matulionis, and K. Settles. 1994. Minerals of the Walker vein, Caldwell Stone Company quarry, Boyle County, Kentucky. Rocks & Minerals 69:254-58.
4. Anderson, W. H., R. D. Trace, and P. McGrain. 1982. Barite deposits of Kentucky. Kentucky Geological Survey, series II, bulletin 1.
5. Beck, W. A. 1949. Investigation of K. T. Dome zinc-lead mine, Owen and Henry counties, Kentucky. U.S. Bureau of Mines report of investigations 4575.