The article contains the results of many years of research on the formation of basic and calculated indicators of chlorophyll fluorescence induction depending on the options for inoculation, treatment of seeds with microelements and use of various options for foliar fertilization for growing lentils. There was applied the generally accepted methodological protocol to determine and calculate the main and derivative parameters of chlorophyll flowering induction during dark adaptation of the assimilation apparatus of plants. The indicator reaction of changes in the basic parameters – initial flowering (F0), flowering of the plateau zone (Fpl), maximum flowering (Fm) and stationary flowering (Fst) to the optimization of the lentil nutrition system both at the stage of pre-sowing seed preparation and at the stage of carrying out single and binary foliar fertilizing with microfertilizers. The significance of the reaction was noted due to the corresponding increase in F0, Fpl, Fm, Fst indicators by 52.6%, 69.1%, 91.4% and 36.2%, respectively, for the combination of seed inoculation, pre-sowing treatment with trace elements and the use of two-time foliar fertilization in comparison with the control variant. The use of derived calculation indices based on the basic indicators of the induction of chlorophyll flowering proved the possibility and expediency of using such an indicator method in the assessment of the abiotic-adaptive state of plants and the optimality of applied agrotechnological measures in the cultivation of lentils.
Technical University of Moldova