Diseases of the endocrine system in children in Ukraine and the provision of specialized care to pediatric patients in 2020


Zelinska N. B.ORCID,Rudenko N. G.,Globa E. V.ORCID,Rudenko O. V.,Grishchenko К.,Kavetska Y. S.


The articles provide information and analysis of statistical indicators on the state of endocrinological care for children in 2020 in general in Ukraine and in some regions, their dynamics for 2014—2020. Providing data on staffing of the pediatric endocrinology service; the state of inpatient care for children with endocrine diseases; disability due to endocrine pathology, which has been carried out in recent years, is constantly growing, in particular diabetes, hypothyroidism and others; diseases and prevalence of malignant diseases of the endocrine glands in children. It is also possible to provide data from the register of children with active endocrine diseases, namely, diabetes mellitus, including its various forms, pathological short stature, the disorders of sex differentiation (DSD). The problematic issues of specialized care for children with diseases of the endocrine system are highlighted.It is estimated that according to the register of children with diabetes mellitus (DM) in 2020, 10,743 patients under the age of 18 were registered (14.26 per 10,000 children), including 10,598 children receiving insulin therapy (with DM Type 1, other types of diabetes requiring insulin treatment) (14.07), 51 — with DM type 2, 66 children with neonatal diabetes, of which 36 diagnoses are genetically confirmed, and MODY is genetically confirmed in 48 children. The prevalence of diabetes among children aged 0—18 years in 2020 increased compared to 2014 by 34.9 %.For patients with DSD conduct a detailed cytognetic examination in the leading genetic laboratories. Responding to the database of such children, to which 654 patients were includ, in particular with chromosomal DSD — 347 children (53.1 %, 303 patients with Turner syndrome); of 46, XY DSD — 102 patients (15.6 %); of 46, XX — 205 patients (31.3 %), as well as 185 children with DSD due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia.It is reported that in 2020, 1,630 children with short stature under the age of 18 who need treatment with growth hormone were registered in Ukraine, including 1,223 children with pituitary and pituitary-cerebral dwarfism, 255 children with Turner syndrome, 65 — with Russell—Silver syndrome, 43 — with Prader—Willi syndrome, 21 children with short stature, born small for their gestational age (SGA), as well as 22 children with dwarfism due to chronic renal failure. The number of such volumes increases by an average of 10 %. These children receive treatment with growth hormone drugs at the expense of the state budget.


Publishing Company VIT-A-POL

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