1. CH2M HILL Inc. 2003. PLOAD v 4.0 - Tool for Estimating Non-Point-Source Pollutant Runoff. Herndon VA.
2. CH2M HILL Inc. 2002. Severn River Watershed Management Master Plan Phase 1A Final Report. Herndon VA.
3. CH2M HILL Inc. 2001. Watershed Improvements Through Statistical Evaluation (WISE). Atlanta GA.
4. Haith D.A. Mandel R. and Wu R.S. 1992 GWLF Generalized Watershed Loading Functions Version 2.0 User's Manual. Department of Agriculture & Biological Engineering Cornell University. Ithaca NY.
5. Schueler Thomas R. 1987. Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Washington D.C.