1. Theory and History of Suspension Bridge Design from 1823 to 1940
2. Coletti D. A. (1999). “Comparison of analytical techniques and experimental data for the Roma Suspension Bridge.” MS thesis Univ. of Texas at Arlington Arlington Tex.
3. GTSTRUDL user’s manual Revision P. (1996). Georgia Tech Research Corporation Atlanta.
4. HDR Engineering Inc. (1998). “Roma–Ciudad Miguel Aleman International Suspension Bridge.” Report Prepared for Texas Dept. of Transportation Pharr District Contract No. 21-645P5013 Update 1 Vols. 1 and 2 Dallas.
5. Podonly W. (1994). “Section 14: Cable suspended bridges.” Structural steel designer’s handbook 2nd Ed. R. L. Brockenbrough and F. S. Merritt eds. McGraw-Hill New York.