1. Structural Development Engineer, Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, Illinois Dept. of Transportation, 126 East Ash St., Springfield, IL 62704-4766. E-mail: Daniel.Tobias@illinois.gov
2. Bureau Chief, Bureau of Bridges and Structures, Illinois Dept. of Transportation, 2300 South Dirksen Pkwy., Springfield, IL 62764.
3. Structural Project Manager/Project Engineer, WHKS and Co., 7018 Kingsmill Ct., Springfield, IL 62711.
4. State Soils and Foundations Engineer, Bureau of Bridges and Structures, Illinois Dept. of Transportation, 2300 South Dirksen Pkwy., Springfield, IL 62764.
5. State Geotechnical Engineer, Bureau of Bridges and Structures, Illinois Dept. of Transportation, 2300 South Dirksen Pkwy., Springfield, IL 62764.