1. ASCE Committee on Deep Foundations. ( 1984). “Practical guidelines for the selection design and installation of piles.” Rep. ASCE New York.
2. ASTM Annual Book of Standards . (1987). Soil Rock Building Stones Vol. 4.08 ASTM West Conshohocken Pa.
3. Das Braja M. ( 1999). Principles of foundation engineering 4th Ed. Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. Pacific Grove Calif.
4. Feagin L. B. ( 1948). “Performance of pile foundations of navigation locks and dams on the Upper Mississippi River.” Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech. Found. Engrg. Vol. 4 Balkema Rotterdam The Netherlands 98–106.
5. Feld J. ( 1943). “Friction pile foundations.” Trans. ASCE 108.