1. Bea R. G. (1980). “Dynamic response of piles in offshore platforms.” ASCE Spec. Conf. on Dyn. Response of Pile Found.—Analytical Aspects . Geotech. Engrg. Div. ASCE New York.
2. Bea R. G. (1983). “Characterization of the reliability of offshore piles subjected to axial loadings.” Proc. Session ST-12: Bias and Uncertainty in Loads and Resistances of Offshore Struct. ASCE Struct. Congr. ASCE New York 1–20.
3. Bea R. G. (1984). “Dynamic response of marine foundations.” Proc. Oc. Struct. Dyn. Symp. '84 Oregon State University Corvallis Oreg.
4. Bea R. G. (1990a). “Dynamic loading effects on pile capacities.” Proc. H. Bolton Seed Memorial Symp. 2 BiTech Vancouver B.C. Canada 377–395.
5. Bea R. G. ( 1990b). “Effects of water wave kinematics uncertainty on design criteria for offshore structures.” Water wave kinematics A. Torum and O. T. Gudmesdad eds. Kluwer Academic Boston 1–90.