1. Cermak J. E. Peterka J. A. Derickson R. G. and Cochran L. S. (1991). “Prediction of wind-induced uplift of asphalt roofing shingles on low rise buildings Year 1 ” Rep. CER 91-92-5 Fluid Mech. and Wind Engrg. Program Colorado State Univ. Fort Collins Colo.
2. Cermak J. E. Peterka J. A. and Hosoya A. (1983). “Wind-tunnel study of wind pressures on roofing shingles.” Rep. CER 83-84-21 Fluid Mech. and Wind Engrg. Program Colorado State Univ. Fort Collins Colo.
3. Cochran L. S. (1992). “Wind-tunnel modelling of low-rise buildings ” PhD dissertation Colorado State Univ. Fort Collins Colo.
4. Cochran L. S. Peterka J. A. and Cermak J. E. (1995). “Wind-tunnel studies of shingles on a roof Year 3.” Rep. CER 94-95-2 Fluid Mech. and Wind Engrg. Program Colorado State Univ. Fort Collins Colo.
5. Derickson R. G. Peterka J. A. Cermak J. E. and Cochran L. S. (1993). “Wind-tunnel studies of shingles on a roof Year 2.” Rep. CER 92-93-6 Fluid Mech. and Wind Engrg. Program Colorado State Univ. Fort Collins Colo.