1. ASTM. (2007). “Standard test method for ductility of bituminous materials.” D113 West Conshohocken PA.
2. ASTM. (2009). “Standard test method for effects of heat and air on asphaltic materials (thin-film oven test).” D1754 West Conshohocken PA.
3. ASTM. (2012a). “Standard test method for softening point of bitumen (ring-and-ball apparatus).” D36 West Conshohocken PA.
4. ASTM. (2012b). “Standard test method for viscosity determination of asphalt at elevated temperatures using a rotational viscometer.” D4402 West Conshohocken PA.
5. ASTM. (2013). “Standard test method for penetration of bituminous materials.” D5 West Conshohocken PA.