1. AASHTO. 2011. Bridge security guidelines. Washington, DC: AASHTO.
2. AASHTO. 2017. LRFD bridge design specifications. 8th ed. Washington, DC: AASHTO.
3. Associated Press. 2009. “Truck bomb destroys key bridge in western Iraq.” October 17 2009.
4. Chiarito, V. P., J. K. Minor, R. E. Walker, J. C. Ray, D. C. Guynes, and S. A. Kiger. 2012. Vulnerability of reinforced concrete cable- stayed bridge tower walls to vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices test series 1: Baseline vulnerability tests. ERDC/GSL TR-12-8. FOUO. Vicksburg, MS: US Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
5. Chiarito, V. P., J. C. Ray, P. Papados, C. P. Rabalais, T. G. Coleman, P. J. O'Connor, and E. M. Weinstein. 2011. Assessment of the vulnerability of cable bundles of cable-stayed bridges to explosive threats. ERDC/GSL TR-11-40. FOUO. Vicksburg, MS: US Army Engineer Research and Development Center.