1. Ackroyd M. [1991] "Design Needs from Inelastic Analysis " Proceedings 1991 Annual Technical Session Structural Stability Research Council Lehigh Univ. Bethlehem PA 41-51.
2. AISC (1963] Specification for the Design Fabrication and Erection ofStructural Steel for Buildings 6th Ed. American Institute of Steel Construction New York NY.
3. AISC [1978] Specification for the Design Fabrication and Erection ofStructural Steel for Buildings 8th Ed. American Institute of Steel Construction New York NY.
4. AISC [1989] Specification for Structural Steel Buildings: Allowable Stress Design and Plastic Design 9th Ed. American Institute of Steel Construction Chicago IL.
5. AISC [1993] Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings 2nd Ed. American Institute of Steel Construction Chicago IL.