He Miao,Viswanathan Chandramouli,Pai Bipin
American Society of Civil Engineers
Reference10 articles.
1. Visualizing relationships between hydrology, climate, and water level fluctuations on Earth's largest system of lakes
2. Croley II T.E. 2003. Great Lakes climate change hydrologic impact assessment: IJC Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River regulation study. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-126. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Ann Arbor Michigan (77pp.).
3. Lofgren B.M. 2003. Simulation of possible future effects of greenhouse warming on Great Lakes water supply using a regional climate model. 17 th Conference on hydrology. 83 rd AMS Annual Meeting. 9-13 February 2003 Long Beach California paper J5. 14(4pp.).
4. Estimation of Great Lakes Water Level Statistics: Conditioning Via “The Bootstrap”
5. Streamflow trends in Indiana: Effects of long term persistence, precipitation and subsurface drains