1. American Institute of Architects [AIA] (2013). "AIA BIM protocol document G202-2013 Building Information Modeling Protocol Form". The American Institute of Architects.
2. Associated General Contractors [AGC] BIMForum (2015). "Level of Development Specification (2015)" [Draft] .
3. Eastman C. Teichloz P. Sacks R. and Liston K. (2008) BIM handbook: A guide to building information modeling for owners managers designers engineers and contractors Wiley New Jersey.
4. Eastman C. Teichloz P. Sacks R. and Liston K. (2011) BIM handbook: A guide to building information modeling for owners managers designers engineers and contractors Wiley New Jersey.
5. IFC platform (2013) "Industry Foundation Classes Release 4 (IFC4)" buildingSMART International.